Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Coffee

How cool...uh, this! We love to have coffee on our deck each morning. This morning we were in Dallas and got to have coffee in the snow in Dijea's back yard. This is my first ever White Christmas! This is the first white Christmas in Dallas in 80 years. How cool is this!


CJ said...

You can only say that because you have never lived somewhere that you hated to get up in the morning to scrape your car windows, defrost the key entry, and shovel out the rock hard drifts from the snowplows in order to brave the icy roads to get to work..... Lovin' San Antone!!

Dijea said...

By the way, the photographer who tool this was really really good. :)

Kate said...

Quirky! What fun. And yes, excellent photography! ;o)