Monday, January 25, 2010

Jane Inspired

Jane in New Zealand asked me to order her a coat. Something bothered me about the on-line deal, so I hit the mall early today to shop at Macy's for real. What do you think the odds are of my finding the exact coat that was on sale on-line in the right size and the right color? Impossible...Right! WRONG! Not only did I find it, but it was $30 cheaper, saving the postage and some tax The sales ladies said it must be my lucky day and that I should buy a lottery ticket. So I did. If I suddenly before a millionaire, it will be Jane's fault.


Dijea said...

And I'd knock on your door first.

Judy said...

That wouldn't surprise me.

Better with a Bow said...

I so hope you win! You deserve it. And I would probably beat Dijea there, especially since she has to travel further than I do!

Brice and Amy said...

I think you just have the knack for great shopping Judy! Good luck for winning the lottery x Amy.

Jane Z said...

Judy you are a star!! I agree with Amy - I think you must have a special knack for shopping! Thank you so much for searching the store for me. xoxo