Sunday, September 12, 2010

Planting Time

We had the eye of a downgraded hurricane pass over our property last week. Bad news is that we lost a rather big limb off our very large oak tree at the side of the house. Good news we just had small limbs and branches to clean up ... no real damage. Better news is the nine inches of rain that came. I know that sounds huge, but we were very dry, and we have shallow soil over hill country rock. The rain headed straight for the aquifer, but it left the garden perfect for tilling.

I got the cemetery bed cleaned, tilled and ready for planting. The big garden in the back is partially tilled, but needs another round. Surprisingly, the front of the garden will till, but I can't say it's moisture content is perfect. I'm hoping to get my seeds in this week...and, for another lovely rain to germinate them. Tomatoes, which I put in last month, have a couple of blooms. I'm already thinking about eating those lovely fall vegetables.


Dijea said...

Fun times.

Better with a Bow said...

How many do you have buried in your cemetery?