Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Last Year's Project

I worked all last year on a quilt for my sister. It was supposed to be for Christmas and it was suppose to be a surprise. I didn't quite finish in time for it to arrive in New Zealand by Christmas, but I was close. As for the surprise, well...she may have had a bit of an idea.

I kept our mom informed. She loves being in on things. But she is pretty terrible at keeping a secret. Not that she comes right out and tells, she just leaves little crumbs to be picked up and combined over time. But, that's ok.

Susan's phone message left on the recorded after she got it was priceless.


Dijea said...

OMG! I can't believe you put video on your blog. I am so incredibly impressed.

Gush! Gush!

Judy said...

That was the appropiate respone to my new talent.

CJ said...

Yahoo! I am impressed that you were able to record your sister's phone message and add the audio clip to your video. And this was your first video, too.

CJ said...

And the quilt is gorgeous!

Yarbrough's said...

OK, your amazing, how is it my own mother is ahead of me on technology. That was really nice to see and hear!

Yarbrough's said...

OK, you are amazing, how is it my own mother is ahead of me in technology. It was so nice to see and hear that clip.