Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Timely Arrival

It is our habit to have morning coffee on the deck. We found this beauty waiting for us at the end of our deck on the first day of spring.


CJ said...

Gosh, our hibiscus hasn't even shot up any leaves yet! Don't you just love spring?

CJ said...

Clay wants to know how you did this? Is your plant in overwinter? In direct sun? He just checked ours and says we have a 2 inch pencil size stalk poking out of the ground.

Better with a Bow said...

It is about time you posted something new. I do so admire your back yard! Would love one of my own with beauties like your's but I don't find the work as much fun as you do.

Dijea said...

My mother cheats - that's how she does it. I'm sure she either kept it inside and took it out recently or gave it some "GROW GROW Juice". She is also married to the green german who can grow anything. Even in the dead of winter and with no sunlight or water.

I'm probably going to pay for these comments later.